A. Smart Memory Devices
Since Moore's law is facing several bottlenecks, electron devices are currently developing toward the trend of “More than Moore” which is based on functional diversification in terms of sensing, storage, and processing of information. This multifunctionality is thought of as another form of miniaturization of the electronic devices, where noncomputing devices are merged with digital ones, leading to faster and more energy-efficient processing of data. In our group, we focus on the simulation and fabrication of smart memory devices which can store, sense and compute.
B. 4D Printing
4D printing has gained a lot of attention since its initial conception in 2013. The rapid growth and interdisciplinary research of smart materials, 3D printers, and design led to the development of 4D printing. As opposed to 3D printing's static objects, 4D printing allows a 3D printed structure to modify its configuration or function over time in response to external stimuli such as temperature, light, or water making 3D printing alive. In our group, we work on the design and development of 4D printed structures for a wide range of applications including energy, robotics, healthcare, among others.